Thursday, August 14, 2008

wide awake and full of wonder

i guess you could say, if i had a life goal beyond the simple manifesto of 'loving God' and 'loving others' it would be to keep myself wide awake and full of wonder. i think most of us would choose being wide awake over being half asleep and indifferent - but it is a hard thing to fight for. being wide awake in life - in 'constantly total amazment' as Shanely puts it takes hard work, and risks getting hurt and well - it fights against selfishness, which is why i need to be vigilant in this task.

so this is why i have begun a blog. when I used to be a compulsive journaller, i was very much more aware of my every day events, the things God is teaching me (whether or not I am successfully learning them or not...) all that is wonderful and good and the state of my soul. So we'll see how this goes. :) If you are joining me, and reading along -welcome. Some posts will be a personal experiement in staying wide awake. Some will be about my struggle to live life dispite fear, some about my personal goal to learn to love others. Some will be about my kids, recipies, frivelous things, book reviews, the weather.

thanks for reading this far.

and may you be wide awake and full of wonder also!

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