I haven't written for a while, as I have been busy gearing up to December first (when 'Christmas' in my house begins..). At this moment all presents are bought, but a few still have to be made - as of yesterday the Christmas cookies are almost all done and the house is decorated. I LOVE this time of year, but what I am loving most is sharing the miricle of Christ's birth with my daughter. This is the Advent calendar I made for her - we're on day 4 obviously, and each day she has been excited to open the tissue and find a candy, an activity to do together and the day's Bible reading from our Advent plan. I must say that getting on a regular habit of family Bible reading is harder than I thought it would be - especially with Jason not usually coming home until after the rest of us have eaten supper (I was hoping to do this every night at our evening meal) and that being the height of the kinds cranky period. Any suggestions are welcome. :)
The Advent calendar was fun to make - I saw the idea on someone's blog, but the link to the person who made it first was no longer working. It was easy enough to save up 25 paper tubes over a few months, and wrap them with printed scrapbook paper and some elements I printed off and glued to chipboard. Add some cute numbers, and we're done! :) The hardest part was coming up with 24 fun things to do that were manageable for me in the month when so many other things pop up... Here's the list as it stands so far! (feel free to skip to the end if you like)
The Advent calendar was fun to make - I saw the idea on someone's blog, but the link to the person who made it first was no longer working. It was easy enough to save up 25 paper tubes over a few months, and wrap them with printed scrapbook paper and some elements I printed off and glued to chipboard. Add some cute numbers, and we're done! :) The hardest part was coming up with 24 fun things to do that were manageable for me in the month when so many other things pop up... Here's the list as it stands so far! (feel free to skip to the end if you like)
1. Set up Nativity and read the Christmas story
3. Bakie cookies with Neena and Grandpoo (grandma and grandpa)
4. Decorage Gingerbread boys & girls
5. Go to church for prechool movie night : a Charlie Brown Christmas!
6. Make paper snowflakes and trees for the windows
7. Make Christmas Potpourri
9. Grandpoo and Neena coming over to babysit
10. Make Shrinkydink 'jewelry'
11. Build Bethlehm out of blocks and read "The Something Wonderful"
12. Uncle Andrew coming over - bake/sing Christmas songs
13. Make Snowman Family (if there's snow!)
14. Take items we've been collecting for the YAC to church
15. Playdough Day
16. Friends coming over to play
17. Build an indoor "igloo" (fort day!)
18. Paint frames for Christmas gift pictures
19. Skaing Party
20. Wrap Christmas Presents
21. Church Day
22. Make Snowglass
23. Go for a drive to look at Christmas lights
24. Go to church Christmas Eve
We'll see how things go this month. :) The good thing about my daughter not being able to read yet is I get to read what the fun thing we get to do is! If I don't have everything ready, we'll call it a 'Red and Green Day" and my daughter will be equally thrilled. :) Is that cheating? Maybe. :)
I love your advent calendar and I think it's great you're doing this with your family. I'm definitely going to try to next year!
Your Advent calendar is so neat! At first I thought it was made up of English Christmas crackers - the things we used to pull at the dinner table and after a loud bang, out would fall a paper hat and some trinkets. Yours is so colorful and pretty! Great things you've planned, and lovely layouts in your slide show!
Love the Advent Calendar! I think I am very hungry now after seeing those yummy treats!
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