Tuesday, January 27, 2009

My Kids are Crazy

I think it's every mom's responsibility to think her children are special and brilliant and unlike every other child in the whole world. Let me tell you that I am aware of this, and aware it sounds just plain annoying to non-mom's and even other mom's. So take all I say here knowing that I know that about myself. 

While I think my kids are both special and brilliant I also think they are crazy.

Take last night for example. 
Miranda has been learning how to read this month, and while she can make it through the first half of the Bob Books set 1, she has become far more interested in learning how to read and spell words that are in here sphere of interest. Words like play, though we haven't got into vowel blends yet, are very interesting to her, so we go with it. 
So last night Jason and I were sitting in the living room talking while he plugged in the laptop and got some other things ready for a Missionary recruiting gig he has today, we heard a fury of footsteps above our head that sounded like Miranda running from her bedroom to the stairs, and back to her bed again. So Jason went up to see what the fuss was all about. On the top of the stairs was a note. 

I    EPy


Jason laughed to himself and went into her room for the translation. The story is, apparently, that she had dropped her precious stuffed puppy, and didn't know where he was. She missed puppy. She knew she wasn't to get out of her room to tell us about this (this has happened before) so she wrote us a note so that we would know when we came upstairs. She intended to write "I miss puppy" but she couldn't think of the word for 'miss' and she tried to spell puppy herself! We'll have to work on reading that word today. :) Jason was good not to burst into a fit of laughter while up there with her, but we laughed a great deal downstairs afterwards. I think it's great that she thought to write a note. What I don't understand is what would make her mind think that instead of getting off her bed to pick puppy off the ground, she would be better served by searching her room for a paper and pencil and writing us a NOTE and then leaving it on the stairs and scurrying back to bed?? Really!

Now Simon on the other hand is doing weird things too. It must be all these days in a row each week stuck inside our house.  He's mostly past his toilet-diving phase and but is still really fascinated by the bathroom. Two days ago, he wiggled free of my grasp and crawled up the stairs at lightning speed. I went after him only to find him in the bathroom, up on Miranda's bathroom stool, with his toothbrush and toothpaste in hand. He needed to brush his teeth, I guess! Since then he's been up there brushing 4-5 times a day. Anytime we're on the top floor, really. And at 14 months he's way better at it than Miranda was up until just recently! The kid has a thing for orall hygine, I guess! He also may be toilet trained before he is two. He is very curious of toilet useage, but lately only when Jason goes. Yesterday, as I was brushing my own teeth in the bathroom, Simon pushed the stool up to the toilet, stepped up onto it, pulled down his pants and was trying to figure out how to undo is diaper! The sight of him trying to pee like a big boy nearly made me fall over with laughter! Wow. I hvae to remind myself that at this age Miranda hadn't even taken her first steps! The two of them are so different it's hard to beleive they are related!

My kids are crazy. They make me laugh. 


Kresta said...

Oh how fun to be a Mommy! My kids are crazy too! Last night when Claire was getting her pj's on, we noticed her panties were on backwards (apparently she'd been wearing them that way all day). When she realized the problem, (she was twisting and looking at them and trying to figure it all out) she just said "GOSH!" really big and loud. It was hilarious!

Lena said...

Oh that is a FUNNY story! Sounds like she is doing great!

My kids are quite different too. It's amazing!

ComfyMom~Stacey said...

That is too cute about the note and the teeth brushing. My youngest had a thing about the hand vac. He'd smash goldfish and say "uh oh need cue-min" and go get the vac & happily vaccum the area until the battery died

Melissa said...

What fun stories!! And it is amazing how different kids can be - I have three completely different kids too and I love how they can amaze me everyday with something new.

Jennifer Wilson said...

Your kids make me laugh too. You're a lucky mom!

Tracie said...

hahahaha! My kids are crazy too. :)

LuAnn said...

And those are the kind of stories you need to scrap woman!! those are too funny and ones they will enjoy hearing when they are older!!

Unknown said...

By the way - Miranda absolutely knew where Puppy was, because she told me when I came into the room. Which only makes it more funny that she wrote a note to tell us she missed Puppy!